Support Our School!
Here are some EASY ways to raise money for Brockman:
· Kroger: Shoppers can enroll in Kroger Community Rewards using their Kroger Plus Card. Click here to enroll, choosing Brockman Elementary PTO. Grandparents and extended family members living locally or elsewhere in SC, GA, and Lower AL Kroger Stores can help as well!
· Lowes Foods: Shoppers can participate in the Cart to Class Program by picking up a Lowes Foods card in store, then visit here for more information on the program and to link your card to your preferred school (Brockman Elementary). Schools are rewarded based on purchases of Lowes Foods Private label items and other eligible purchases.
· Family Meal Nights: Watch the Bear Tracks and PTO newsletter for details on upcoming Family Meal Nights. Join other Brockman families at the specified restaurant on a particular date and time. Enjoy some fun and fellowship and support our local businesses, who then give a portion of sales from that evening back to our school. (This fall our Family Meal Nights will be take-out only!)
· Amazon Smile: – You or any loved ones – anyone who regularly shops on amazon – can help our school! Click here to visit Amazon Smile and then log into your Amazon account from this page. Type in “Brockman Fine Arts Booster Club” to select Brockman as your beneficiary. The only catch is you must specifically be logged into (rather than the regular Amazon page), with “benefitting Brockman Fine Arts Booster Club”) highlighted each time you check out for the Brockman account to get credit.
· Hanes t-shirt/pant screenprinting: Save your invoices from any screenprinting involving Hanes t-shirts or pants. We earn dollars from Hanes for those articles of clothing, even if they don’t involve Brockman.Send a copy of your receipt showing the number of pieces printed and email them directly to Erin Baldwin at .