Executive Board
President: The President shall preside over meetings of the organization and executive board, serve as the primary contact for the principal, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization, serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, and coordinate the work of all the offices and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served.
Vice President of Membership: The VP of Membership updates member contact information, as well as requests member and corporate donations at the start of the year to produce the school directory and a banner to recognize corporate partners. He or she is also responsible for ensuring a full slate of officers and key committee heads for the next school year. The VP Membership shall assist the president and carry out the President’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve. The VP/M will need to keep accurate records and have strong organizational skills.
Vice President of Fundraising: The VP of Fundraising oversees annual fundraising events, recruits their leaders, and secures a large portion of the operating budget. The VP of Fundraising coordinates the Brockman FUNd Run, the largest fundraiser for Brockman with a goal of $50+/student. He or she helps recruit leaders for key activities building up to the big event such as yoga day, smoothie day, etc. He or she also develops pledge forms, works with the Spiritwear Chair to order and distribute participant t-shirts, organizes logistics and helpers for the event, and collects money/pledge packets. The VP/F will ensure the FUNd Run and other selected fundraisers are managed appropriately and provide support, as needed. The VP of Fundraising may also assist the President and carry out the President’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve.
Secretary: The Secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes, prepare the agenda, handle the correspondence, and send notices of meetings to the membership. The Secretary will send a copy of the bylaws to all committee heads to review at the start of each school year. The Secretary also keeps a copy of the minutes book, bylaws, rules and any other necessary supplies and brings them to meetings.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He or she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the Executive Board, and make a full report at the end of the year. The treasurer will notify committee heads of their specific budget by the start of the school year. Also, the Treasurer is responsible for filing taxes by September 1. Every third year, the treasurer is responsible for running an audit. See Section VIII – Finances. The Treasurer should have general experience with basic accounting principles, good organizational skills, good written and verbal communication skills and be detail oriented.
Free Money Fundraising: This chair coordinates Brockman fundraising efforts that send “free money” back to the school, such as grocery store giveback programs, Box Tops for Education, and Amazon Smile. Ensures free money fundraising accounts are current and that the Brockman community receives updates/instructions on how to participate in these programs if they would like to support Brockman in this way. Also plans and coordinates a quarterly Family Meal Night with a community restaurant partner, where a portion of the proceeds from the meal night go back to Brockman
Spiritwear: This chair designs and orders Brockman clothing with board approval. Sends out an order form 1-2x/year and coordinates distribution to the community. Requires artistic vision, good communication skills, and good organizational skills.
Fellowship & Community Building
Brockman Bash: This chair plans and coordinates a free costume party in late October for the Brockman community (500+ attendees), coordinating food and entertainment. Requires excellent event planning and communication skills.
End of the Year Picnic: This chair plans and executes a picnic for 500+ people on the upper field, coordinating food, drinks and entertainment such as dunk booths and outdoor games. Requires excellent event planning and communication skills.
Hospitality: This chair plans and coordinates volunteers to host a Back to School Luncheon for Staff in August, as well as monthly, small-group luncheons for staff every month except December and May. Every staff member is invited once, except for the principal, who is invited to all. Requires organization, ability to write and respond to emails and use google docs.
New Parent Ambassador: This chair coordinates the new-to-Montessori educational orientation with the Brockman administration, and finds creative ways to help welcome new families to Brockman, such as hosting playdates for new students, coffee chats for new parents, or facilitating a buddy system for new Brockman families.
Parent Rep: This chair is the touchpoint between the PTO and the classroom liaisons, who relay important PTO news to their student’s class and help recruit volunteers for various PTO events.
Classroom Liaisons: One parent is needed per class to relay important PTO news to their student’s class. This person helps recruit class volunteers for the FUNd run or other PTO events. May lead or help coordinate FAB class project with the teacher.
Social Events Coordinator: This chair coordinates 1-2 after-school/weekend events for fellowship for the Brockman community.
Staff Appreciation: This chair coordinates a week in early May to express appreciation and love for Brockman staff. Historically this has involved coordinating volunteers to assist with staff’s morning duties, and providing healthy snacks during the week as well as a luncheon in the Peace Garden on Friday. Other ideas have included having students write in love letters or putting little gifts or notes in staff mailboxes.
Communications & Media
Website: This chair maintains the PTO website and regularly adds upcoming events or important content for the community. Design and web skills are a plus. Requires the ability to monitor Brockman e-news or news from the administration to determine appropriate content for the website.
Newsletter: This chair designs and sends a bi-weekly newsletter on behalf of the PTO. Responsibilities also include collecting information from the PTO Executive Board, PTO Committee Chairs, and Brockman administration to include in each newsletter. Requires good design and communication skills.
Social Media: This chair maintains the PTO social media accounts, which may include Facebook and Instagram. Requires good social media skills and technology skills, as well the ability to monitor Brockman e-news or news from the administration to determine appropriate content for social media accounts.
Yearbook/Graphics: This chair plans and executes the Brockman yearbook from scratch. Requires good organization, ability to work to a deadline, and excellent writing, editing and photography skills.
Historian/Photographer: This chair maintains the school’s historical archive (displayed in front hallway as you enter the school) and timeline that was created as part of the 15th Anniversary celebration. Secures volunteer photographers for school events throughout the year and organizes the pictures.
Volunteer Coordinator: This chair holds several classes at the beginning of the school year to register volunteers new to Brockman with the district. Assesses interests and skills of potential volunteers and helps with placement on committees. Works with other committee heads to ensure that we have enough volunteers for events.
School Improvement
Grounds: This chair helps maintain the building and landscaping of the school. Works with the president and principal to identify projects and needs. Helps keep recess carts stocked; assists with sourcing and ordering of teacher wish list for recess carts.
Gardening/Earth Day: This chair helps with gardening projects around the school, as gardening is an essential part of the Montessori experience. Ideas for this chair may include assisting classroom teachers with garden work (or organizing garden work), leading a weeding or weekend garden work day in the fall or spring, or helping get our greenhouse back in order. This chair plans a school-wide Earth Day activity in April. May also plan other “Green” events throughout the year as desired.
Diversity: This chair helps the PTO and the PTO Executive Board recruit a diverse group of members that is reflective of our school and community. Helps plan at least one parent education event or school event per year that celebrates diversity in our school and/or community.
Parent Education: This chair is a member of Brockman’s parent education committee and helps choose speakers/topics for parent education events. If events are held in person, helps coordinate and order dinner for the children who attend.